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  • maryamsettle

Butternut Squash Jam

Welcome to a world of culinary adventure where I explore the extraordinary, the unexpected, and the utterly delicious. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to a truly unique creation - Butternut Squash Jam. Yes, you heard that right – a jam made from the humble butternut squash. Don't be quick to judge, because this golden delight is not only a revelation but also a wonderful addition to your entertaining repertoire.

Butternut Squash Jam is the unexpected twist that will elevate your culinary game, perfect for adding an element of surprise to your gatherings. Versatile and exquisite, it can be enjoyed as a spread on its own or as the crowning glory on your favorite cheeses like Brie or cream cheese. And if you're a fan of charcuterie boards, this is the missing puzzle piece that will make your platter truly memorable.

Now, I understand that butternut squash might not be your typical jam ingredient. The skepticism is natural, but rest assured, this unusual concoction is nothing short of spectacular.

So, come along on this culinary journey a I unveil the secrets of Butternut Squash Jam – a delight that's poised to become your next kitchen obsession. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and surprise your guests with this extraordinary creation, because sometimes, the best discoveries happen when you venture beyond the ordinary.


1 Large Butternut squash, peeled, pulp and seeds removed, and cubed

2 1/2 Cups sugar

Juice of 1 Lemon

Teaspoon ground cinnamon

Dash of ground nutmeg

Dash of ground clove

Dash of ground allspice


  • Add all ingredients to a large pot.

  • Cook over a medium heat stirring every 3-5 minutes until squash has softened.

  • Once squash has softened, mash while continuing to simmer.

  • Continue to simmer over a medium-low to low heat, stirring often for an additional 10 minutes or until thick and sticky.

  • Remove from heat.

  • You can jar it as it is or strain for a smooth consistency. I like to blend mine until it's smooth and then add it to a mason jar. This recipe will give you a little over one mason jarful depending on the size of your squash.

  • Store in the refrigerator.

  • Enjoy!

Watch the step-by-step in my IG highlights at the link below:

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